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PT Jababeka Tbk’s goal is to always provide the best in everything we do. We have attained these following awards as our proof of excellence in the field of property.

Supply Chain Asia Awards 2014 – Asia Logistics Centre/Park of the Year
Cikarang Dry Port received an award as Asia Logistics Centre/Park of the Year at Supply Chain Asia Award 2014. Awarding Night Event was held in Singapore, attended by hundreds of supply chain and logistics professional from all over Asia.

Frontier Consulting Group Award – Rank #1 Corporate Image 2014 in category Industrial Estate
PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka (KIJA) ranks #1 Corporate Image 2014 in category Industrial Estate from Frontier Consulting Group.

Kemenperin Award – The Best Performance in Infrastructure and Facilities
Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) held the event to award the industrial estate developers in Indonesia. The award is aimed to give appreciation to the industrial estate developer which had met certain criteria. Best Performance in Infrastructure and Facilities was achieved by Jababeka Industrial Estate.

Forbes Indonesia – Best Company Award
Jababeka was awarded with The Best Company Award from Forbes Indonesia. For this event, Forbes Indonesia selected 50 listed companies in Indonesia that comprised of “Best of the Best” in 2012.
Investor Magazine Award – Top 10 Best Performing Listed Companies and Best Listed Companies in Property and Building Construction
Jababeka received the Best Listed Company Award in the Property & Building Construction Sector and received an award as one of the nominees for the Best Performing Listed Companies overall at an event organized by Majalah Investor (Investor Magazine).

KN-RCI- Responsible Care
As a member of The Komite Nasional Responsible Care Indonesia (KN-RCI), our company is committed to the industry’s responsible management of chemicals.

ISO 18001 Certificate
is crucial for companies to be aware of the K3 principle (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja: Health and Safety at Work). K3 aims to prevent, reduce, and nullify the risk of accidents at the workplaces. Jababeka Infrastruktur (JI) works hard to prevent occupational accidents and diseases and takes that job seriously. In relation thereto, JI obtained OHSAS 18001Certification for Occupational Health and Safety.

ISO 14001 Certificate
By always prioritizing the quality of its services in terms of environmental friendliness and sustainability, Jababeka Infrastruktur (JI), the Company’s wholly owned infrastructure subsidiary, as the estate manager, is always focused on environmental control and products and services relating to environmental management, such as emission into air, soil and water. Relating to this, JI obtained ISO 14001 certification on environmental management systems.

Proper Awards 2009 & 2011
With an orientation on the environment and commitment to optimal deployment of human resources, Jababeka reached the Green Rating of the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) for the period 2008-2009, 2010-2011. The 2011 award was handed over by Prof. Dr. Baltasar Kambuaya, MBA and witnessed by Vice President of the Republic Indonesia Prof. Dr. Boediono, M.Ec. The Green Rating of PROPER is awarded to companies that show compliance in environmental management.

Green Property Awards 2011
This event selected four housing in Bodetabek and Bandung which was developed by four different property developers. Green Award Property Awards (GPA) 2011 is given to housing development applying environmentally friendly principles. Kost Pavilion in City Jababeka developed PT Jababeka Industrial Estate in the provision of infrastructure.

ISO IEC 17025:2008 Certificate
ISO/IEC 17025 is calibrating services which are available for ammeters, microwave survey meters, multimeters, oscilloscope, tachometers, manometers, micrometers, pressure gauges, torque wrenches, scales and torque screw drivers. Also, Lie detectors, laser tachometers, oxygen sensors, carbon monoxide detectors, pressure transducers, pressure gauges, vacuum gauges and explosive gas detectors can be calibrated. Calibration parameters include force, torque and temperature. Capabilities include maintenance, repair, performance testing, tolerance testing and compliance testing.

ISO 9001 Certificate
ISO 9001 is an international standard related to quality management system and a method of controlling their quality. The Standard provides a framework to manage business and ensure a philosophy of continual improvement in all aspects of business. It is externally assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure these business practices are maintained.

Green Property Award 2009
The House Estate Magazine awarded PT Jababeka Tbk with the “Green Property Award 2009” for the Veranda Golf View Townhouse cluster. The award was given to developers that were regarded as successful in creating eco-friendly residential areas and it was handed over by the Minister of Public Housing, Muhammad Yusuf Asy’ari.

Indonesian CSR Award 2008
The Minister of Social Affairs, Bachtiar Chamsyah, awarded PT Jababeka Infrastruktur, wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, the “3rd Best Practice Indonesian CSR Award” for Environment in the property and infrastructure sector.

Participation and Support for Housing Development Award
Participation and Support for Housing Development Award