
Jababeka and PT Commuter Anak Bangsa Inaugurates a New Transportation Service in Jababeka City

Cikarang, December 17, 2024PT Jababeka Tbk together with the Bekasi Regency Government Transportation Office and PT Commuter Anak Bangsa introduced the latest transportation service that will improve the quality of mobility in Jababeka City through the Soft Launching and Flag Off Shuttle K-99 Feeder BTS, on Tuesday (17/12), at Hollywood Junction, Jababeka-Cikarang City. This event is an important milestone in efforts to revitalize public transportation in Bekasi Regency and support more environmentally friendly sustainability initiatives.

The K-99 Feeder BTS Shuttle is part of a major initiative in improving the quality of public transportation in Bekasi Regency which aims to create a safer, more comfortable, and integrated mode of transportation with various other modes.

“Comfortable, affordable, and integrated public transportation is an important part of our efforts to create better mobility for the community. The presence of the K-99 Feeder Shuttle is one of the strategic solutions designed to support the BTS (Buy The Service) program, a government initiative to improve the quality of public transportation services in Bekasi Regency,” said Ivonne Anggraini, President Director of PT Graha Buana Cikarang.

Support for sustainable transportation is also a key focus, with the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, such as gas-fired and electric public transportation, which will reduce carbon emissions. This program not only supports government policies to reduce dependence on private vehicles but also improves air quality and strengthens integrated transportation network systems in industrial estates and independent cities such as Jababeka City.

The soft launching event began with the signing of a joint agreement between PT. Commuter Anak Bangsa with Jababeka, witnessed by the Acting regent of Bekasi. This agreement is a form of commitment of both parties in realizing an efficient and environmentally friendly transportation system, marked by the Flag Off Shuttle K-99 Feeder BTS, as a symbol of the start of a joint commitment to support the operational plan of this new transportation service. It is hoped that the presence of the K-99 Feeder BTS Shuttle can encourage people to switch from private vehicles to more organized public transportation.

This event was attended by a number of important officials, including Acting Regent of Bekasi H. Drs. Dedy Supriyadi, M.M, Deputy Chairman of the Bekasi Regency DPRD Aria Dwi Nugraha, Head of the Bekasi Regency Transportation Office R. Yana Suyatna, S.IP, M. Si, Acting Head of Bappeda Bekasi Regency Agus Budiono, S. STP, M. Tr, I.P, Deputy President Director of PT Commuter Anak Bangsa Dwiwanto Hadi Prandojo, Director of PT Commuter Anak Bangsa Hasyim, and ORGANDA Bekasi.

“In sustainable regional development, the introduction of the K-99 Shuttle service fleet is a concrete step to present safe, comfortable, and affordable mobility solutions for the community,” said Dedy Supriyadi.

Acting Regent Dedy Supriyadi, said that the development of a sustainable and integrated transportation system is one of the priorities in aligning the vision and mission of the Bekasi Regency Government in realizing inclusive and equitable economic growth.

In addition, residents and tenants in Jababeka City also participated in this event, which became a socialization event about the advantages of new public transportation modes, especially in the Jababeka City environment.

Currently, there are three main services that are already in operation, including JAConnexion by Damri, which connects Jababeka City with Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, JRConnexion by AO Transport which serves routes from Jababeka City to Blok M, Jakarta, and Primajasa which connects Jababeka City with Bandung.

The soft launching of the K-99 Feeder BTS Shuttle aims to introduce a new mode of public transportation in Bekasi Regency, which is designed to provide more efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly transportation solutions for the community. This transportation service is also integrated with the Biskita service which was just inaugurated on December 1, 2024, by the Bekasi Regency Government.

This shuttle will operate from January every day with operational hours from 05.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB which includes several main routes that connect various important points in Jababeka and its surroundings, namely Cikarang Station/Transit Point Biskita BTS, Jababeka Industrial Estate, Jababeka Residence, and President University.

This program also encourages the people of Bekasi to switch from the use of private vehicles to public transportation, which is more organized, safe, and affordable. Through this effort, Jababeka is also committed to supporting the revitalization of urban transportation, improving accessibility, and creating better connectivity between regions. So as to facilitate population mobility and support economic growth in the region. With the presence of this shuttle, it is hoped that it can reduce dependence on private vehicles, reduce congestion, and reduce carbon emissions, as part of efforts to create a cleaner and healthier environment.

Jababeka and PT Commuter Anak Bangsa Inaugurates a New Transportation Service in Jababeka City