Jababeka has Launched the GETAS Program to Assist the Bekasi Regency Government in Reducing the Stunting Rate

CIKARANG, October 16, 2024 – STUNTING is a serious health condition in Indonesia. This condition makes the child’s growth disturbed so that his height is lower compared to children his age. The impact is very wide, ranging from physical development to children’s competitiveness in the future.
The Indonesian Ministry of Health targets a reduction in the stunting rate by 3.8 percent per year so that by 2024 it can reach a figure below 14 percent. In Bekasi Regency itself, the stunting rate has managed to drop from 17.4 percent in 2022 to 13.8 percent in 2023. In 2024, the Bekasi Regency Government Health Office targets to reduce the stunting rate with the hope that it can be below 10%.
GETAS program targets 50 percent reduction
Seeing this condition, PT Jababeka Tbk is committed to assisting in reduce stunting rates in the Bekasi Regency and finally launched the GETAS program. From this program, Jababeka targets a decrease of up to 50 percent. As for running this GETAS program, Jababeka invites tenants of the Jababeka Industrial Estate and partners to participate through donations.
The GETAS program was launched on Wednesday (16/10/2024), at the Charles Himawan Auditorium – President University, Jababeka-Cikarang City. This was marked by the handover of a mock-up of 1,000 stunting assistance packages from Vega Violetta Puspa, Director of PT Jababeka Infrastruktur to Dedy Supriyadi as Acting Regent of Bekasi, witnessed by Sundoyo as Acting Head of BKKBN. Then, it was followed by the symbolic handover of additional assistance and vitamins from the Head of BKKBN and the Acting Regent to four representatives of stunted children accompanied by the sub-district head.
“Today is not only the launch of the GETAS program but also the determination with several parties to support the new zero stunting launched by the Bekasi district government. Some of the strategic steps taken are nutrition counseling by educating prospective parents, pregnant women to mothers who have children two or two years old, strengthening health services through providing additional food packages for children under two years old, and finally providing clean water assistance to people with poor sanitation environments,” said Vega Violetta Puspa, in his remarks in front of 200 guests.
“The plan is that we will provide assistance of around 1000 packages of 1.5 kilograms of eggs for the next three months, namely October to December 2024. So, the total package is about 3000 packages. Especially for the first month, each child gets an additional 1 bottle of omega 3 vitamins as many as 100 grains. Where we will do from October 21 to 24,” added this woman who is usually called Vega.
The distribution of egg packages will be carried out by the Jababeka CSR team to nine health centers in four sub-districts in Bekasi Regency, namely Central Cikarang, East Cikarang, North Cikarang, and South Cikarang. Then next, health workers at the health center will distribute it to the beneficiaries.
The first industrial area that helps the Bekasi regency government reduce stunting
Meanwhile, Dedy Supriyadi expressed his highest appreciation to Jababeka and all parties for supporting and realizing the GETAS program to reduce stunting rates in the Bekasi Regency. Currently, his party through the health office of the Bekasi Regency Government is also running various programs to reduce the rate of stunting babies.
“This is the first time, from the (industrial) areas in Bekasi Regency, only Jababeka has done this. I am proud and touched and happy at the same time,” said Dedy, in his opening speech.
He also hopes that the GETAS program will not stop until December 2024. But it is also sustainable in the following year in helping the Bekasi Regency Government reduce the stunting rate. Because the Jababeka Industrial Estate and the tenants in it itself have many workers they continue to be educated, including the community around the area. So efforts to build the generation of children in Bekasi Regency will become the golden generation in 2045.
The same thing was also conveyed by Sundoyo. He appreciated the GETAS program launched and educational activities to the community. Because, the stunting rate will be difficult to reduce if only relying on the efforts of the Bekasi Regency Government, but it requires the participation of other parties, namely the private sector and the community.
“I would also like to thank the Jababeka tenants who have paid attention to the extraordinary reduction in stunting rates,” said Sundoyo in front of the tenants of the Jababeka Industrial Estate.
Vega Violetta Puspa is also optimistic and confident that with the hard work and collaboration of various parties, the stunting rate in Bekasi Regency can be significantly reduced. So that children in Bekasi Regency not only have perfect child growth and development, but they can grow up to be healthier, smarter and highly competitive children.
Vega Violetta Puspa expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the tenants, contributors and partners who have helped the GETAS program, namely PT Mattel Indonesia, PT Cikarang Listrindo, PT Dexa Medica, PT Yasufuku Indonesia, PT Komatsu Undercarriage, PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia, PT Mane Indonesia, PT Asahi Cipta Prima, PT Fondanusa Aditama, PT Multipanel Intermitra Mandiri, Rosylawati Dewi, PT CKD Manufacturing, PT Anugrah Daya Industri Component Utama / ADIKU, Maria Jacinta Arquisola, PT Byung Hwa Indonesia, PT Haluan Utama Maju, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, PT Pharma Health Care – Combiphar Group, PT KAO Indonesia, Medicine Faculty Pres. Univ, President University.
It did not stop there, the kick-off event of the GETAS program continued with a health seminar with the theme Prevention of Stunting Children Starting From Pregnancy. The seminar ran for 1 hour and succeeded in the enthusiasm of the participants who were pregnant women. They did not hesitate to ask several speakers about nutrition and mandatory foods so that babies do not experience stunting. The speakers who filled the seminar were Dr. Firzawati, S.Si, Apt, MKM, dr. Emi Tri Dianasari, Sp.OG, and Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, Sp.A(K)., M.Kes.