
Jababeka Talks about Challenges & Progress of Decarbonization of Jababeka Industrial Estate While Attending FGD with the Government

JAKARTA, September 12, 2024 – PT Jababeka Tbk, through one of its subsidiaries Jababeka Infrastruktur attended a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme “Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges in the Establishment of Net Zero Industrial Park (NZIP)” held by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia at the Pullman Jakarta Hotel. In the discussion forum, Jababeka told about the challenges and progress of decarbonization of the Jababeka Industrial Estate.

This discussion was attended by various speakers who discussed different topics related to the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable industrial estates.  The first material was delivered by Andriah Feby Misna, Director of Various New and Renewable Energy (NRE) from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, who discussed the development of New and Renewable Energy Power Plants (PLT NRE) with the Rebid scheme. The main challenge in this development is the integration of the Rebid program in the national program of Industrial Estates (KI) and Special Economic Zones (SEZs), as well as the synchronization of supporting programs in industrial estates and the implementation of supporting facilities in the region.

The second material was delivered by M. Denny Fardhan, UNIDO’s representative in Jakarta, Timor Leste, and ASEAN Affairs. The theme discussed was “Eco-Industrial Park: Concept, Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges.” In his presentation, Denny – as he is commonly called – explained several key indicators to become Eco-Industrial Parks 2.0, including management and monitoring, a functioning energy management system (EMS/EnMS), and an energy measurement and monitoring system to identify energy efficiency opportunities at the regional and corporate levels to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

Jababeka is heading towards Eco-Industrial Park 2.0 

Regi Risman Sandi, Public Infra Manager of Jababeka Infrastructure and NZICC Taskforce Leader, said that Jababeka is heading towards Eco-Industrial Park 2.0. According to him, the main indicators of regional management performance, environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance are already in the Jababeka Industrial Estate. Regarding regional management performance, the Jababeka Industrial Estate already has a holistic estate regulation with a special section for its enforcement.

“In terms of environmental performance, Jababeka is quite advanced, as evidenced by the Green Proper award obtained last year, and being the only one for the Industrial Estate category. In social performance, Jababeka has a fairly qualified CSR program called JABAT (Jababeka Bersahabat) which covers the economic, social, and environmental fields. In terms of economic performance, Jababeka has given rise to job creation and value creation, especially with the existence of President University, a university that always collaborates with PT Jababeka Tbk in developing local talent so that it can be absorbed by the industry,” said the man who is usually Regi.

“Jababeka also has NZICC which is a two-way community so that activities towards green industry are not only encouraged by Jababeka as the manager of the area, but also by its tenants,” continued Regi.

Jababeka’s next step towards a green industry

According to Regi, in an era that continues to develop, it is important for us to keep up with the times, study the direction of the green industry movement, and adopt the latest solutions and technologies to achieve the eco-industrial concept. This is also one of the main focuses that we want to activate through NZICC. In addition to Jababeka and the tenants, NZICC will also be proactive in attracting partnerships from outside, resulting in value exchange, at least in three categories of partnerships:

  1. Policy and knowledge: To stay up-to-date with the latest policies and trends in the green industry.
  2. Solutions and technology: To continue to update and upgrade technology and solutions towards a green industry in Jababeka, both for internal implementation and tenants.
  3. Investment and financing: To continue to attract funding cooperation in the development of green projects in the Jababeka area.

The first challenge of course comes from the business side because the transition to a green industry requires a lot of capital to transform. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage green investment continuously, including various incentives from the government. The second challenge is related to policies and regulations that are still not optimal in supporting the transition to greener industries.

The third challenge, continued Regi, is the difference in the level of knowledge and interest between parties in the Jababeka Industrial Estate. Whether it comes from Jababeka’s internal human resources or at the tenant level and other parties who are active in the area.

“Basically, there are many existing policies and regulations that support the movement towards greener industrial estates. An example is PP 20 of 2023 which encourages industrial estates to move more environmentally friendly. However, there are still many regulations that need to be harmonized with each other, not limited to regulations related to energy transition, waste and waste management, corporate social and environmental responsibility, green investment and funding, and other regulations that can support the movement to greener industrial estates,” Regi concluded.

Jababeka Talks about Challenges & Progress of Decarbonization of Jababeka Industrial Estate While Attending FGD with the Government