
Kota Jababeka lies 35 kilometer east of Jakarta’s Central Business District and covers the Cikarang area, which is part of the Bekasi regency. The regency of Bekasi covers a total area of 150,000 hectares and shares borders with regency of Karawang in the east, Bogor in the south and Jakarta in the West. The Java Sea lies to the north of the Bekasi regency.
Kota Jababeka can be conveniently accessed from the Bekasi-Cikampek toll-road (highway) and is served by the Cikarang Barat & Lemahabang kilometer 31 toll gate (exit toll road at kilometer 28). Commuting time between Kota Jababeka and central Jakarta by car is approximately 1 – 1,5 hours.
Kota Jababeka is a mature township development, of which approximately 60% has been developed out of a total of 5,600 hectares of land area. It is a self-contained industry-based township that is home to more than 1,650 local and multinational companies from over 30 countries, such as The United States, Japan, France, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Australia, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and numerous others. Kota Jababeka has industrial, residential and commercial developments, a public transportation network, shopping, leisure and entertainment establishments, as well as a dry port, power plants, two water treatment plants, two waste water treatment plants and numerous other facilities.
The residential-commercial area itself is managed by PT Grahabuana Cikarang. Meanwhile, facilities and infrastructure, such as water treatment plants, waste water treatment plants and fiber optics, are managed by PT Jababeka Infrastruktur. Then for independent power plants managed by PT Bekasi Power and land ports by PT Cikarang Dry Port. And all of these companies are subsidiaries of PT Jababeka Tbk.
Jababeka Center, Hollywood Plaza No. 10 – 12
Jl. H. Usmar Ismail, Kota Jababeka
Cikarang, Bekasi 17550
West Java, Indonesia
Ph. 62 21 893 4580 / 893 4350
Fax. 62 21 898 33921 – 22 / 893 4331
Menara Batavia 25th Floor
Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Ph. 62 21 572 7337
Fax. 62 21 572 7338